The Journey of Christ through the four courts –

The Journey of Christ: The Four Courts

   There are so many wonderful things that take place from the moment that Christ was led out of His garden to the moment that He claimed that all was finished on the cross. In His own testimony, and for His display of His power before man, mercy was always around Him. In His trial before Caiaphas, while He was being abused, He saw and met the tears of Peter and had compassion upon Him. When He went to Herod, (the man Christ had called that fox) He completed the request that Herod had made of Him, He gave Herod the audience that Herod desired. As Christ stood before Pilate, He proclaimed Himself to be not only the King of Jews, but the King eternal when He stated, To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world. (John 18:37) Only Christ could make this claim. At His weakest point while on the cross (wearing a crown of thorns) He exercised the power that God had given Him when He said to the thief, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. (Luke 23:43) Only one among all of mankind could have made this claim of eternal life and finish the work that the Father had given Him to do.

CLICK HERE to read the full article or you can go to Son of His and select Hebrews 5:7 – 10 ‘In the days of His flesh.’

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