Who was Zerubbabel? –
Who was Zerubbabel?
Laodicea – The House of Leaven –
What is spiritual leaven?
Was it Angels (Aliens) or Men who Intermingled with Women? –
Space aliens, angels or men . . . who sexually intermingled with the women of the ancients?
Balaam in the Old Testament and Balaam in the Church Age –
Balaam is relevant. How is Balaam active in the Church Age.
There was NEVER a Palestinian Nation –
The history of Palestine through secular evidence.
The Shadow Government –
Where and how did the concept of a shadow or underground government originate?
God was Robbed –
How was God robbed?
The Journey of Christ through the four courts –
The Lord Jesus Christ went before FOUR courts before He was crucified. Another connection to the number four, the Earth Number and the sin of the world.
The Annals of Adam –
The annals of Adam are the record of Adam taken from many articles, sometimes in just a few words, and sometimes in a few paragraphs. ENJOY!
Death, Judgment and The Appointment – Hebrews 9:27 –
Check your calendar because you have an appointment that cannot be cancelled.
Snippets is just that . . . a brief passage from an article . . . . a few sentences or a paragraph taken from a post that hopefully will aid you to further understand the subject. ENJOY!
Cast Out –
The brightness of Lucifer was only bright because it reflected the glory of God, and without the reflection of God’s glory upon his being his changed nature became that of a beast.