Thy Name is an Ointment Poured Forth

Song of Songs 1:3

The name that has no boundaries, no limits, and no beginning nor ending; this name, the name which is above every name. How the Holy Ghost loves to proclaim this name, as a whisper in the breeze of His voice, or as a mighty wind echoing this name that men might believe. He sits as an old sage softly speaking of the name above every name. Softly He speaks — God who in sundry times — the voice of repetition — over and over — the sound resounds, yet it is all in a name. By diverse manners He has spoken, as He spoke with Adam as Jehovah Elohiym. He walked with Adam in the coolness of the day, they talked and communed with each other. Adam was taught by God Himself. It is God’s voice clear to the ear without sin. And then, darkness fell on the world. Adam disobeyed God and brought in a blackness of darkness; so dark that it shut out all light. Thus, Adam brought sin into the world, and death by sin. All is given up in a moment of time. Did He run to Jehovah Elohiym? No, he and his helpmate hid from the presence of God. Man now loves darkness rather than the light.

So, Adam passed sin unto all men that sin and death might abound; therefore, man without God is without hope in this world of darkness. But in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, the same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. The foundations of the world, all the stars, the planets, the nebulae, and the mysteries of space; all these were made by Him. Then He set a foundation in which He placed the jewel of His delight in the heavens, this earth that we dwell upon is that jewel. Does not it glimmer and have it’s own glory apart from all others? What must it had looked like before Adam brought sin into the world? How the Godhead must have planned this setting in the ring of creation. God the Father gave all authority and power to God the Son, and so, through the Holy Ghost, the Son spoke the worlds into existence. The Son shaped all things by the Word of His power, both seen and unseen. He spoke the world into existence for we believe that the worlds were framed by the Word of God. Now we pass softly through time, for God is long-suffering, centuries pass by, over and over the prophets speak as they were moved of the Holy Ghost; and yet, men still love darkness and not the light of God.

Some of these prophets were stoned, some were torn asunder, others beaten and cast out of their world. Though God spoke through them, the darkness would not obey God, for their hearts were desperately wicked and deceit above all things. And over and over, God witnesses to man through the progressive revelation of His Word and of His Spirit’s witness to man. He showed forth His glory in His temple through His prophet Isaiah, so that he could say, “I saw the Lord high and lifted up on His throne, and His train filled the temple.” What a vision for the sons of man. Yet, over and over, God has spoken to the ear that cannot hear and eyes that cannot see. When in the fullness of time God SENT forth His Son. The name above every name, made of a woman, made under the law, to fulfill all the counsels of God. And His name shall be called Jesus, for He shall save His people. He was in the world and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and they received Him not, they loved darkness rather than the light. In Him was life and the life was the light of men. Lastly, He sent His Son, and has in these last days spoken unto us. A precious name, a name that warms the heart and fills the soul.

This child grew in wisdom and knowledge and was filled with the Spirit of God. As he grew in statue among men, although being the brightness of God’s glory, yet He was concealed. He was the express image of His Person, yet made in the likeness of men. In all humility He walked amongst men. He was so unique that men could say, “never a man spake like this man.” There were others that desired His presence and would simply say, “Sir, we would see Jesus.” But the world at large still loved darkness rather than the light.

The glory that was in His Person before the foundations of the earth, the eternal name that was given before the world was; that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, of things on earth, and things under the earth. So that all men and every tongue shall confess the name of Jesus to the glory of God the Father. As the voice of the Father declared from heaven, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” Being made so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance received a more excellent name than they. And so, this name as an ointment poured forth, to as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God; which were not born of blood, or the will of the flesh, or the will of man, but of God through the Holy Ghost. A man must be born again!

But the sea of humanity is raging and boisterous in the winds of darkness, they are boiling and tumultuous. The soul could say, we have labored all night, and are going to perish, we cry out from the heart, master, master, what can we do? He looks at us with eyes of sympathy, and says, have I been so long with you and yet you know me not — he that has seen me has seen the Father. He looks over the waves of humanity and simply says, peace be still, my peace I give unto you. Yet, the world will not receive this peace. This peace can only come from above. And of His own, He says — seek those things which are above, where Jesus Christ sits on the right hand of God, for ye are dead and your life is hid in Christ in God — set your affections on Christ above, and when Christ comes in His glory, ye shall come with Him in that glory. Yet man’s soul wanders in a desert with no water to quench his thirst. The darkness has overtaken man and he wanders through desert places looking for refuge. The voice of Jesus, which is the voice of prophecy, cries out — I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me — my sheep hear my voice and I am known of them — they know my voice and will not follow another.

We consider this name, that is above every name, that it is truly an anointment poured forth to the heart, to the soul, and to the spirit. Let us look into ourselves to the things that are unseen about us, and unknown by men, that the heart and the soul could be captivated by these words of Christ, “What think ye of Christ? Whose son is He?” He declared unto the world that He was the Son of God. Others proclaimed, “thou art the Christ the son of God.” In the darkness, we must shine as lights, we must proclaim this name. Jesus Christ must fill our heart, soul, and spirit till we are a fountain of everlasting water, that cannot contain the unsearchable riches of Christ. Truly, a name as an ointment covering us with His glory. As time passes, and age progresses on every man, those who know the Lord of glory— this glory will shine upon them to the everlasting praise of God. This will come to pass for all His own, bought with the precious blood of Jesus, just as His disciples could say at the Sea of Galilee, “it is the Lord.” So too by faith those who are of this present age, and love the Lord, smell the fragrance of that name. Life is but a passage till we are home with Him. All earthly things will be passed and we will enter into the joy of the Lord.

For He is the fountain of all blessings. There is no other name — for the name of Jesus has been set higher than the heavens. It is a name that never changes, like the Person of God who bears it. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. A name that heals the broken hearted. A name that renews the soul. A name that fills the spirit. A name that angels proclaim, and a precious name to God the Father,”this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Can we ask any more of this name? This glorious Person, does He not fill our soul with glory? As the light hits the crystal of the jewel: many colors, and fragments of colors, explode into our sight. Yet, His glorious light is brighter still though darkness is all around us.

How great a darkness that only the light of Christ can penetrate. The light that shines in our hearts grow brighter still as we distance ourselves from the place of our birth, this earth. We are a heavenly people, secured in the bosom of God by this name that is above every name. Brighter still this name will shine throughout all eternity. We bow to this one, the Son of God, for we know where we have come from — and He loves us still. His love is a love that man cannot measure nor understand — for it is He, the Lord Jesus, that gave Himself as a sacrifice for my sin. He loved me and gave Himself for me. The Lord Jesus is the possessor of all faith, and He pours it out that men might receive this glorious faith, whereby grace is known. We can only say “what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God”— and all because His name is an anointment poured forth. One needs to stop from all the madness of this world and meditate on this glorious Person, the Son of God, Jesus Christ. All our desires and wants will cease and we will see Jesus only. Think of His name; wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the prince of peace, the man of sorrows, the lamb slain before the foundations of the world, the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. He who possesses this name — Jesus — stands at the door and knocks. Will you, burdened soul, open the door and let Him in? If you do, you will see that His name is an ointment poured forth. Song of Songs 1:3.

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“freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)

Copyright 2015, Michael C. Haigh

All Scripture references from the Authorized King James Bible. (KJV)


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