Laodicea – The House of Leaven –
What is spiritual leaven?
Balaam in the Old Testament and Balaam in the Church Age –
Balaam is relevant. How is Balaam active in the Church Age.
Ephesus – Seven Glimpses Beyond the Veil – Part 1 –
The first thing that Christ speaks of to this first church is His sovereignty, and His governmental rule over His church.
The Church at Thyatira –
Why is Jezebel connected to the church at Thyatira? This church was the fourth church from a list of seven churches? Why the number four?
The Seven Churches of Revelation – Part 1- Overview –
In the seven letters Christ reveals Himself in seven different characters to the seven individual churches.
Ephesus-The Pending Storm – Part 2 –
Ephesus, the infant church, the first collective church became divided by false apostles, false teachers and ministers of righteousness. Although divided and pulled in every direction many remained faithful and overcame.
Simple Outline of Church History –
Simple, very simple; basic, bare bones basic outline of Church History.
Laodicea – The House of Leaven –
What is spiritual leaven?
Balaam in the Old Testament and Balaam in the Church Age –
Balaam is relevant. How is Balaam active in the Church Age.
Ephesus – Seven Glimpses Beyond the Veil – Part 1 –
The first thing that Christ speaks of to this first church is His sovereignty, and His governmental rule over His church.
The Church at Thyatira –
Why is Jezebel connected to the church at Thyatira? This church was the fourth church from a list of seven churches? Why the number four?
The Seven Churches of Revelation – Part 1- Overview –
In the seven letters Christ reveals Himself in seven different characters to the seven individual churches.
Ephesus-The Pending Storm – Part 2 –
Ephesus, the infant church, the first collective church became divided by false apostles, false teachers and ministers of righteousness. Although divided and pulled in every direction many remained faithful and overcame.
Simple Outline of Church History –
Simple, very simple; basic, bare bones basic outline of Church History.