Quotes – March 2022

The Creator did the supernatural. The first Adam (the first man) gave us sin and death at the tree of good and evil. The second Man, the Man from heaven (Christ), gave us life at the tree: the tree of Calvary.Michael Haigh – Also quotes by C. H. Macintosh, A.W. Tozer and others.


The End

The End

This article was first posted on July 1, 2015. Since that date much has happened in our world; therefore, we will again repost this same article to show that the word of God is always relevant to every age . . . even to the end of the age of mankind under his own rule.


Quotes – December 2021

Conflict is everywhere, and there can be no non-combatants. Neither God nor the world permits neutrality. That which is simply negative, or assumes to be so, is positive enough in evil: to be indifferent to Christ is to be against Him.F. W. Grant (1834 – 1902) Also quotes by C. Macintosh, J. B. Stoney, and others.


Quotes – November 2021

What a magnificent portrayal of personality is hereby expressed when we visualize our Lord standing at the terminus of time with adequate power to turn the stream of human history and national authority into the channel of a new destiny for the establishment in manifestation of His everlasting kingdom. Charles J. Rolls (1856 – unknown)


Quotes – October 2021

. . it was Christ the Creator who determined the bounds of national habitation, diverted the stream of civilization from its channel and deflected the trend of human aspiration from the terrestrial to the celestial. Charles J. Rolls (1856 – unknown). Also quotes by A. W. Tozer, C. H. Macintosh, J. N. Darby and others.


Quotes – September 2021

In our age of AI (Artificial Intelligence) man is building robots to resemble his own image. Man is creating soulless robots to reflect his own image, an image of sin and degradation. – Michael Haigh – Also quotes by Charles J. Rolls, J. B. Stoney and others.