Hebrews 4:13 – The Eyes of God –

There’s a doctrine of man that is not presented in its fullness in Scripture (meaning, in one place only) and the reason is that it stretches from the garden to the present day — the doctrine of man is throughout all of Scripture  — It is the doctrine of Adam; therefore, let’s examine the man called Adam.


Hebrews 4:3 – From the Foundation of the World

.  .   .   . the hypocrite with a conscience seared by vanity and pride in our current age repeats the same thought, our lips are our own: who is lord over us? Our lips are our own, our wombs are our own, our bodies are our own, who is lord over us? The lie continues on into our age in that man believes that he alone is in control of his own destiny. Do you have control over tomorrow? 


Hebrews 4:3 – A New Race of Man

  . . . . . We cannot take the side of man, or man’s belief, man can believe in government or religion, and to a certain extent man can acknowledge God as long as God does not interfere with his life; however, the manifestation of God’s belief, or belief in God, is far different than the mere assent to a divine being. The manifestation of belief comes from above, and not the earthly halls of religion. It is the heavenly Creator who controls all that is of man. Although man in his enmity has cast off God, God never loses control over man.