The Burial of Jezebel –
Who buried Jezebel?
Although this section on THE HISTORY OF ANGELS has not yet been posted there are three articles that relate to the history of angels. ENJOY!
Before Sin –
What was the first sin in the universe?
The Wilderness of Sin –
Without FAITH IN CHRIST all wander in the wilderness called SIN.
The Cleansing of the Leper –
You cannot undue what you have done, but through Christ’s sacrifice of Himself, He can make ALL THINGS NEW and give you newness of life.
Drinking from the old bottles –
Who was Zerubbabel? –
Who was Zerubbabel?
Laodicea – The House of Leaven –
What is spiritual leaven?
Was it Angels (Aliens) or Men who Intermingled with Women? –
Space aliens, angels or men . . . who sexually intermingled with the women of the ancients?
Balaam in the Old Testament and Balaam in the Church Age –
Balaam is relevant. How is Balaam active in the Church Age.
There was NEVER a Palestinian Nation –
The history of Palestine through secular evidence.
The Shadow Government –
Where and how did the concept of a shadow or underground government originate?